About Wayfarers Chapel

We focus on the common threads of all religious and spiritual practices rather than the differences.


We honor all the great religions and enlightenment traditions as expressions of the ONE power and presence referred to as God — a spiritual energy which is present everywhere and available to all.

We are here to inspire, honor and support all “wayfarers”, both community and visitors, on their own spiritual path and awakening.

Our core values are Inclusion, Love, Gratitude, Health and Service.

We respect each individual’s right to choose the spiritual path that fulfills and contributes to their own spiritual awakening. Wherever you are on your spiritual path, you are welcome at Wayfarers Chapel — a place to make friends, share experiences with like-minded people, and gain practical tangible tools for living a life of joy and fulfillment. Thanks for visiting our website and come meet us – you will be warmly welcomed!


Estatoah Wayfarers Chapel was founded in 1986 by Rose-Mary Hatfield, a certified Unity Teacher. It was her vision to have a Unity based center which would serve this mountain community along with the seasonal visitors who come here. Hence the name, “Wayfarers.”

rosemary's chapel

The ministry began in a small cabin-like structure, which Rose-Mary purchased and saved from demolition and then moved to its current location beside the Estatoah River. Shortly after beginning, Rose-Mary was joined by Ron Lindahn who served as minister with Rose-Mary and they were later joined by Denton O’Dell. Ron served Wayfarers for thirty years.


It soon became evident that more space was needed. Through the prayers, contributions and sweat equity of the devoted members, a new and larger chapel was constructed. The original chapel was dedicated to Rose-Mary and a plaque bearing her name is prominent on the front of the little chapel. This chapel houses the library and is primarily for meditation, prayer, and small groups.


God is the source and creator of all. There is no other enduring power. Universal Spirit is good and present everywhere.

We are spiritual beings, created in God’s image. The spirit of God lives within each person; therefore, all people are inherently good.

We create our life experiences through our way of thinking.

There is power in affirmative prayer and meditation which can increase a person's connection to God.

Heaven is within us and we experience it to the degree that we become conscious of it.


Services are held each Sunday at 10 AM in the main chapel. We enjoy a wide variety of gifted speakers who bring our message each week. We are also blessed with an equally wide variety of music and musicians who are an important aspect of the Service.

In addition to the Sunday Service, monthly Reiki sessions, a Summer Concert Series, weekly meditation group and writers group, and various classes throughout the year. In addition, we have a library of spiritual books available for loan or reading onsite in a tranquil, woodland setting where you can sit by the stream in the meditation garden or walk the labyrinth and connect with nature.

The Chapel is efficiently and transparently managed by our Board of Directors and input from members is encouraged.


wayfarers unity dillard ga labyrinth project

Thanks to our Labyrinth team, Wayfarers Chapel now has a magnificent Classical Seven Circuit labyrinth open to all to enjoy. Labyrinths have been an important part of meditation and spirituality in various faiths for many years.

Labyrinths are beautiful and fascinating ancient structures found throughout the world. There is no right or wrong way to walk a labyrinth. Consider the labyrinth as a metaphor for life — it has a beginning or approach, decisions along the way, and the experience of a new path.